"National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" I Heart Sequels - Holiday Edition

Is there really all that much more to be said about this film? Over the last two decades I have seen this film grow from a minor cult classic to a certified New Christmas Classic, and it has done so organically. Even if it was a big box office hit during its release, how many films have lasted so long after the initial success like this? Through numerous "Hey you gotta see this" sessions to it running as a new fave on basic cable all the way through to having people throw quotes out offhand both during the season and apropos of nothing, "Christmas Vacation" established itself as being the perfect holiday comedy for everybody. At least Chase can say he beat out old rival Bill Murray in this instance; "Scrooged" could never be the all-inclusive classic for the holiday.
If you do not watch this at least once over the next three days you have no sense of humor. For Christmas I give you that hyperbolic statement and a little bit of the funny from CV to get your holiday started. Enjoy!
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