Ellen Barkin "The Big Easy", "Sea of Love", "Siesta" - The First Time...: February 3, 2011 (Sexy, Triple-Feature Special Edition)

Hey what a surprise I'm writing about a non-brunette actress, featured in a non-singing role. (Three of them to be precise.) As a kid, many of the actresses that got cast in thrillers, neo-noirs, what have you, never really excited me. I never understood the big deal over Kathleen Turner in "Body Heat". (To be fair that might have been tainted by "The Man With Two Brains"!) Nancy Allen was always kinda goofy in the work she did with her ex Brian De Palma. When Sharon Stone became the default femme fatale of the 90s, I just couldn't muster much of an interest. But in the late 80s, right when I was gearing up to enter my pre-teens I saw Ellen Barkin in three (seemingly) back-to-back thrillers, in three very different roles, and was immediately smitten. To be honest, she got my blood pumping in a way it never had before.
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